The end of the month...

Unfortunately no diving today due to high winds and rough seas, but wow, what a great last week of April we had for diving. Topside conditions were very pleasant and there was just so much to look at under the water. 

The whole week there were sharks all over the northern part of the Juno ledge, I think we counted up to 10 at a time one of the days. Super cool.  I love seeing more than 2-3  sharks at a time., they’re just so graceful the way the move through the water.

But not just sharks this week, there were tons of eels too, ranging from big green morays to sharptail eels and golden tail morays. Some free swimming while others were hiding underneath the ledge or on the reef. And most of them were nice enough to just hang out and letting us come up close to Get a good look  

In te last year, the numbers of barracudas we see  has gone up a lot. We’re seeing large schools and singles on almost every dive, big and small. Huge numbers of spadefish have been hanging out along our ledges too and we got to see quite a few goliaths as well this week. Especially when we got to dive Tunnels, lots of Goliaths over there, at the beginning and the end of the dive, pretty cool. And talking about the Goliaths, the FWC meeting was this last week and the protections will stay in place for these gentle giants. Victory! 

Let’s also not forget the lobsters. They’re literally everywhere and are waving at the dives shaking their behinds to let them know that they got the memo and season is closed. It’s hilarious  

And last but not least, Turtles. This last week we’ve had some absolutely amazing turtle encounters. We got to see some female Loggerheads along the ledges, but the more impressive encounters were with the big males. There were several occasions that a big male Loggerhead came up to the divers to check them out, and they sure took their time doing it. You see those big eyes looking at you and following your movements while they come up to you. I love being able to take such a good and close look at these big turtles. They’ve obviously been around for a long time and look like they’ve been through a lot. If only they could talk, I for sure would love to hear the stories they would tell. 

Tomorrow isn't looking great for diving either so Friday will be the first day of May that we’ll be underwater again. April was so amazing, I can’t wait to see what May is gonna bring us. 

Happy Diving!  

 - Anne

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